Frequently Asked Questions

Most of us desire the pleasure that comes from living in beautiful spaces. A professional designer can create that for you by bringing expertise from education, experience, skill, and professional affiliations. If you hire a professional designer, you will get creative solutions and the ability to put it all together, coupled with a trained eye for scale, proportion, and flow. This culminates in designed spaces that you truly love to be in.

When we are presenting your design in-person, we like to present entire rooms at a time. We do so with a table full of interior finish and furniture samples, fabrics, paint chips, floorplans, furniture configurations, images, and more. Depending on the amount of design we are presenting during your appointment, we may fill numerous tables, with each table representing 1-2 rooms, and with each selected item including a variety of options to give you choices.

Similarly, when we are presenting your design remotely, we will send you a pdf of all the same items that would otherwise be filling a table, and we will send you the physical fabric samples that you are considering for your home. We’ll devote a conference call to walking through your pdf presentation, answering your questions and making adjustments as we determine they’re needed.
